How To Use

Michael EmmForces Online Blog

We have a number of self-help videos about how to use the Forces Online systems in our How-To-Section.  Did you know that as an Armed Forces Community or other non-profit organisation helping armed forces veterans’, their families & dependents you can have a FREE listing in the Veterans Directory The section also includes how to donate to Forces Online and …

Rhinos Brew Veterans Cafe

Michael EmmForces Online Blog

The new ‘Rhinos Brew’ Café starts on Thursday 23rd May from 2-4pm and will run from the stadium’s Community Hub. It aims to provide Armed Forces veterans in Leeds with weekly sessions focusing on education, social engagement, wellbeing, and physical activity in a welcoming, accessible and safe venue. Developed collaboratively with both injured and non-injured veterans, these sessions leverage the impact of sports to …

Veterans in Need

Michael EmmForces Online Blog

We have been in communication with the Fundraising Regulator following complaints of Veterans In Need conducting collections without a licence. We have since found out that this was not who Forces Online support. It is in fact a bogus organisation using the name to conduct illegal collections for another newly forces CIC. Veterans In Need do not conduct any …

Forces Online Leaflets

Len ChappellForces Online Blog

Our current leaflets identify our main website and 5 project areas each with its own unique QR code, where you will be able to quickly find about about them. We can supply both leaflets and banners to organisations and individuals who want to represent Forces Online, and for this we are happy to fully link your service through the Veterans …