Remember the Fallen

Len ChappellForces Online Blog

Yesterday I visited a veteran who has fallen on hard times in Wales who I have supported on several occasions in and out of hospital. I was introduced to the veterans by a friend of mine who lives outside of the UK.  We will call them Veteran D and Veteran E.  They know who they are.  Although both veterans have a strong infinity with a particular part of the world, they have an even stronger bond through their armed forces brotherhood.  Whilst in hospital yesterday during one of the lighter spells of the visit with veteran D, we started to banter and tell each other the usual things that veterans come out with and looked at Facebook for the usual veteran’s style humour.  In amongst the posts, I drew some inspiration from the phrase on the left and was left pondering over the words which resonate with all people, their families and dependents that have experienced forces life.  In my mind the “True Friends” represent veterans themselves.  They would never let you suffer alone.  Veteran E chose me because he lives far away.  I was asked why by the hospital staff and veteran D why I had driven from my home here in Swindon to support the veteran in crisis.  My answer was there are no limits to the bond we form as veterans, and under the circumstances would you not do the same for me if the tables were turned?  I am not writing this post for personal glory or recognition, we have been doing things like this since Forces Online started, I wanted to highlight the link between the Fallen that are still here and the plight of their suffering.  In a sense the loss of every soldier who has paid the ultimate sacrifice is tragic and a reminder of the stark reality of military force.  Rightly so we should never forget, but we should not forget the living that have fallen on hard times.  You can help a small charity that cares do more outstanding work by becoming a member HERE