Currently Open Monday - Thursday 1300-1530 & Tuesday & Thursday 2000 - 2130 Friday 1000-1300 (Other times by appointment).

  Welcome to the Forces Online Virtual Hub (VH).    In the initial period the Hub will be active during the week. Our opening times are on Facebook  We use Zoom which can be accessed via a computer (Windows or Mac), a pad or phone. To access it just click the camera lens image, and the link will take you to the waiting area where an admin will check and add you. You can use a camera and Microphone, or the chat system.

You will not gain any access outside of the times shown on the link

The Virtual Hub opening Times will be reviewed, and we expect that the online facilities could be used by other organisations within the Armed Forces Community for meetings, training, etc.

We are looking for people to help and if you already volunteer for another organisations you will also be welcome, and will be able to talk about them in here, and offer support.


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mission statement